Starcalled is a science fiction action-adventure audio drama created by Gabriel Alvarez.
Starcalled is set 6 cycles after a devastating galactic war in a ravaged universe teeming with hostile life. It follows an ensemble cast of aliens as they attempt to unravel a galactic conspiracy under the ever looming specter of war.
Starcalled features a full cast, immersive sound design, and original cinematic music. It features a complex and contradictive universe full of dangerous characters, high-stakes action, and an unrepentant shadow of hope and growth. Starcalled is intended for a mature audience. Listener discretion is advised.
The Cast
Sean Moran as Lieutenant Saranus Kron
Jill Baumgarner as Chief Science Officer Elona Zoren
Ben Valdmets as Captain Mor Landris
Colton Kidd as Commander Strakker Tygg
Mark Stelter as Communications Officer Delerev
Miles Ledbetter as Flight Officer Drejen
Kathryn Austin as Director Arla Tetzi
Phill Usher as Deputy Director Narn
Emily Hammer as The Queen
Blaze Ferguson as Dr. Torrell
Claudine Lucena as Rider
Nathaniel Hailu as Corvan
Max Robertson as Oddie Konidarian
Gabriel Alvarez as Ben Osborn, Dorgo Konidarian,
Prince Ol-Ken, Sub-Commander Stell
Additional voices by A.R. Mendez, Aurelio Aguirre, Olivia Kidd, Randy Greer,
Mark Stelter, Nathaniel Hailu, Chad Boshers, Gabriel Alvarez
The Crew
Executive Producers: Rachel Weiss, Greg Schiurring
Written by, directed by, produced by, sound designed by,
music composed by, edited by, narrated by: Gabriel Alvarez
Additional sound effects by: Bluezone Corporation, SoundMorph, Soundbits,
New Sound Lab, SonicSalute, Badlands Sound, Gamemaster Audio
Contact information
Email: StarcalledOfficial@gmail.com
Twitter: @StarcalledRadio
Website: www.starcalled.space