The battle for Edari begins, leaving the colonials of the 443rd Fleet Infantry scrambling in the middle of a massive planetary storm. Trapped with the travorian Corvan and the human prisoner Osborn, Acting Chief Science Officer Elona Zoren tries desperately to salvage her operation. Isolated from the rest of the team, Commander Strakker Tygg finds himself in a fight for survival. Accompanied by Lieutenant Saranus Kron, Captain Landris meets with the Holkari council. Kron makes a surprising ally.
Book 1, Chapter 3 - The Last Human
Captain Landris offers Osborn a dangerous proposal. Suspended from duty, Lieutenant Kron reflects on his career as a colonial officer. Meanwhile, Elona reluctantly travels to Edari, where her perilous mission with Rider threatens to spiral out of control...
Book 1, Chapter 2 - A History of Bad Behavior
After the assassination attempt on Captain Landris, tensions are high aboard the station. Elona tries to balance her new responsibilities and finds herself at odds with Lieutenant Kron. The colonials plan their next move, but the situation is more complicated than they realized...
Book 1, Chapter 1 - The Frontier
Six cycles after the war, the Colony seeks to re-establish itself as a galactic power. Lieutenant Saranus Kron and Dr. Elona Zoren, young officers in the Colonial Fleet, find themselves in a desperate fight at the edge of the civilized galaxy, where the specter of war threatens to cast itself again...